Examples of Tilt-Shift Photography
Tilt-Shift photography is a fun effect to simulate a miniature model from a real life photo’s. Below are links to some great examples for you to look at.

Using picture CAPTCHA from Confident
Using captcha is a way of stopping spam over running your site forms and comments. There are different types of captcha out there from distorted text to picutres to video. Here is an interview with an interesting captcha idea that uses images to find out if the form data is entered from a human. webdevelog: […]

iPod in the space
Browsing WikiPedia my attention just went over a particular thing: there is a tiny iPod in the background on the picture shot in ISS.

Premium domains sale out!
If you feel interested in any of my premium domain names (with or without the belonging sites) don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂

Meet the Greetbox
WP-GreetBox is a very useful plugin to ask your readers become returning visitors in a pleasant way. This is due to the automatic referrer detection!

Creative web design gallery
If you follow Webdevelog on Twitter you already know that I launched a brand new creative web design gallery: FirstHandWeb.com

Tips to maximize your design usefulness
Nick La at WebDesignerWall always produces great tutorials. This tutorial shows how to maximize your design efficiency by using hover effects.